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Princess Bookie (Virginia on GR)

Formerly "Virginia" from Goodreads. Virginia was taken as a user name over here :( Have same profile pic from GR so hoping friends recognize me :) 

Currently reading

Ice Queen
Joey W. Hill
Mirror of My Soul
Joey W. Hill
Seduced by the Storm
Sydney Croft
A.B. Gayle
Perfect Timing
Aimee Brissay
Guardian Ranger
Cynthia Eden
Ann Mayburn
Giving an Inch
Heidi Belleau, Amelia C. Gormley
The Broken Triangle
Jane Davitt, Alexa Snow
A Little Bit Country
S.J. Frost
Two Men For Two Brothers - Sean Michael I'm a big Sean Michael fan but the Velvet Glove series has been a bit hit and miss with me. I either love the stories or they don't work for me. I shouldn't have enjoyed this one - some taboos in place - but I did. It's very Sean Michael with extremely sensual characters who are all about feeling pleasure in the futuristic world of the Velvet Glove. Where this book is different is because it involves brothers and the subs they choose. The subs are very different so that adds some diversity into the story as to how the brothers counteract each of the sub's histories. This is also a polyamory story and the brothers get it on so if that isn't for you then you should stay away from this one.