25 Following

Princess Bookie (Virginia on GR)

Formerly "Virginia" from Goodreads. Virginia was taken as a user name over here :( Have same profile pic from GR so hoping friends recognize me :) 

Currently reading

Ice Queen
Joey W. Hill
Mirror of My Soul
Joey W. Hill
Seduced by the Storm
Sydney Croft
A.B. Gayle
Perfect Timing
Aimee Brissay
Guardian Ranger
Cynthia Eden
Ann Mayburn
Giving an Inch
Heidi Belleau, Amelia C. Gormley
The Broken Triangle
Jane Davitt, Alexa Snow
A Little Bit Country
S.J. Frost
At His Throat, A Promise - Lilith Grey Excellent slave fiction read. Book written from Ellis' point of view. He's an incrediby sympathetic character. Harte is absolutely adorable, Ellis is the slave who wants to please his Master and do his very best and William is their steady rock. My heart broke in places for Ellis and the position he was put in until Harte and William fought for him. And then, he fights for them, too. They all heal each other and they fit so perfectly together. Really wonderful and unconventional love story. If you're a sap like me, have the tissue ready for the sad and happy parts.